3 Psychology Tips For Closing More Sales

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Sales history is in session, folks! 👨‍🎓 We’re uncovering facts you probably won’t believe and sharing powerful tips that you’ll be itching to test out in the field.

In Today’s Jam

  • Overcoming the top 10 prospecting objectives

  • Poll: What objection is keeping you up at night?

  • Double your income with the sales management matrix

  • Sales Q&A: why do I fail at closing the sale?

  • Game changers of the week

  • Sales scene of the week: the Challenger Sale Method… on steroids

Modernize your marketing with AdQuick

AdQuick unlocks the benefits of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising in a way no one else has. Approaching the problem with eyes to performance, created for marketers with the engineering excellence you’ve come to expect for the internet.

Marketers agree OOH is one of the best ways for building brand awareness, reaching new customers, and reinforcing your brand message. It’s just been difficult to scale. But with AdQuick, you can easily plan, deploy and measure campaigns just as easily as digital ads, making them a no-brainer to add to your team’s toolbox.

The Sales Lab🔬: 3 Psychology Tips For Closing More Sales

Psychology in sales has come a long, long way. Don’t believe us? Just look back at John H. Patterson and the sales strategy of the National Cash Register Company. This was the first instance of ‘Pyramid Selling’, where a business owner would purchase Patterson’s cash register then demonstrate his cash register to other owners within a certain territory and sell them on the item as well.

Patterson’s system was complex: it calculated quotas and commission rates and means of uplifting uninspired sellers. Of course, Pyramid Selling has a whole other reputation these days (for good reason). 

In comes the early 1900s, when Grant Nablo convinced the sales world that you can determine the difficulty of a sale by observing the shape of a prospect’s forehead. And no, we didn’t make that up. In fact, in 1923, the Ford Motor Company adopted that theory. They went as far as to include it in their sales training: “Sell the vehicle according to the shape of the prospect’s head”

While these ways of thinking are misguided, to say the least, the fact remains: developing successful habits is the key to closing sales.

Let’s take a look at some not-quite-as-controversial tips that’ll help you sell to prospects no matter the size of their foreheads.

Tap Into Loss Aversion

Even as toddlers, human beings (mostly) never want to feel as if we’re missing out on something, particularly something good. This is why positioning your product as not just something of value, but as a potentially missed opportunity (if the customer doesn’t buy) remains one of the powerful psychology techniques in the sales world.

Be Generous With Value

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that giving away value is bad for business. And yes – that can be true in extreme cases. However, you want your prospects to feel a sense of reciprocity when dealing with you. Who would you be more inclined to trust: the sales guy who is tight-lipped with nothing useful to share? Or the advisor who displays authority by having faith in his abilities and is generous with his knowledge and expertise?

Fewer Options Are Better

Never overwhelm customers with too many options. Instead of throwing everything at them during your pitch, try speaking with them before your meeting to get a feel of what it is they need, what their interests are, etc. If appropriate, you can offer a bundle deal option.

Check out this article for a more detailed breakdown of the different psychology techniques you can implement to elevate your sales game. 

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Offers you can’t refuse

Everything to know about B2B Sales in 2024

The sales landscape is always changing which means it’s important for sellers to stay up to date with tactics and trends. Oneflow.com is throwing B2B sellers a bone with this in-depth guide on B2B sales in 2024, diving into the landscape of the industry going forward, and strategies for the year ahead. 

Ultimate cheat sheet to building your SDR team

The road to building a strong SDR team can be long and rocky. You run the risk of suffering high turnover rates and picking up the pieces when it turns out daily activities aren’t actually aligned with helping your SDRs meet their quotas. Avoid the heartache, and check out the ultimate cheat sheet for building your SDR team.

Sales Q&A

Going to start door-to-door sales. Any advice or tactics?

It’s Time For That Dream Sales Job…💼

Looking for a new job opportunity in Sales? Search for the latest and greatest jobs here.

Looking to hire someone with great Sales experience? Post your job on The Sales Jam Job Board, here.

Game Changers of the week🔥

The reason your prospects don’t feel any urgency to buy from you

One of the biggest sales killers is prospects treating your product as if it can wait. This video points out the reasons prospects feel no sense of urgency from sellers and powerful tactics to overcome this sales blocker.

Many SDRs make this terrible mistake. Don’t be one of them

Scrolling through sales tips videos on the internet is cool and all, but if you’re not making the time to receive proper coaching, you could be leaving a lot of (future) money on the table. The Everything is Sales podcast talks about a recent revelation shared by the SDR Sales Coach Survey and how SDRs can seek out coaching and ultimately get more fulfillment in their careers. 

Check it out: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

Top 5 resolutions for sales teams

The folks over at Insightly share the top 5 resolutions sales teams should be prioritizing in 2024. They dive into: 

  • Understanding objections

  • Extracting value from your personal pipeline report

  • Leveraging the status quo by communicating the cost of inaction (showing customers why remaining the same will cost them more than changing; the latter referring to using your product).

  • What tech is out there to help you write better emails

  • How to get social selling right in 2024

Stop settling for less in negotiations

“Never Split the Difference: Negotiating Like Your Life Depended on It” is a powerful resource for any seller looking to control the conversation (an invaluable skill in the world of sales). Written by Chris Voss, the book explores the power of learning as much about the opposing side in a negotiation and powerful tactics to convince others to share information that they’d rather hide.

Check out Chris Voss’ Ted Talk and while you’re at it, get the book.

New Sending Day! Wednesdays vs Saturdays - what do you think?

Wednesday vs Saturday

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Sales Scene of the Week🎬

“I just bought one of my own cars”

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